Exploring the Impact of Gaming on Student Learning

Issac Glantz
By Issac Glantz 8 Min Read
exploring impact of gaming on student learning featured

Education institutions are integrating games into the learning environment. Video games are no longer used for entertainment. Teachers are opting to use the games to teach some of the topics and instill crucial skills in the lives of students at different grades or levels.

Gaming in education is a transition from entertainment. The games are selected with a specific purpose in mind. How are the games helping students to learn? Here are a few insights to consider.

Helping students to relax

Learning is mentally and physically exhausting. After a tough day in class, a student requires a moment to relax and rejuvenate the body as well as the mind. You can use an online writing service to help you to create time to relax by playing video games, watching movies, or sleeping, among other options. Homework help also enables you to tackle difficult topics that may slow down your studies. You earn the best grade despite traveling, doing business, or working part-time while in college.

The games are based on such fun concepts as soccer, basketball, adventure, and war, among others. These concepts are not related to your academic work. The mind can take a break after a tough day in class. You also invite friends or join online gaming opponents for a challenge. Such an environment is engaging and interesting for the student to relax his body as well as the mind.

Creating an engaging environment

Teachers are using educational games to create an engaging study environment. Learning involves the use of descriptive narratives that students have to decipher using imagination. Games are physically engaging, especially with the use of Virtual Reality technology. A player imitates the action boxing, for example, and has to evade to avoid being hit. Students have to accelerate cars or build houses in the games.

An engaging learning environment makes the content memorable. A student will want to return to class because the mind is not tortured using endless books and complex narratives. An engaging learning environment also results in memorable content.

Normalizing learning

Games are now an ordinary part of the life of modern children. They are using them for entertainment every day. It means that students are more receptive to the idea of a game in class. A teacher will, therefore, not struggle to introduce particular concepts using the games because they are a familiar medium.

Students want to spend more time learning. In class, they want to understand the basic concepts that will be applied to video games. Once the concepts are demonstrated through a video game, the students develop more interest in different topics. It results in better academic performance and passion for learning.

Enhancing creativity

Video games require students to find a way to win over their opponents. It means developing strategies to move forward while protecting their back. The games are also anchored on speed where there is a reward for quick action. The graphics, sound, and storylines also ignite their imagination.

The student will be more creative when handling his assignments. He writes better essays and will offer compelling discussions in class. It is a catalyst for the student to think faster, boosting exam performance. Students who play games have been proven to possess extended mental capability.

Developing strategic thinkers

Every aspect of life involves a lot of moving pieces. For instance, the decision to invest must consider the risk of losing money without forgetting the possibility of winning. Video games help to develop strategic thinking that is crucial in academic exercises and real life.

A strategic thinker goes beyond the surface to find a long-term solution. This concept is taught in gaming. The player, for instance, will buy weapons or use a route based on its strategic importance to the course. Such thinking results in compelling discussions in essays.

Instilling teamwork

Most video games offer the option of multiple players. Watching a friend play will also help you to learn the game. In other instances, you have to face the opponent as a team. You borrow weapons and combine efforts to win. Such teamwork helps you to win the games.

A physical opponent is also more interesting to play with than online bots or virtual players. Teachers can also assign projects to be completed by teams, as a way to execute group work. Students make friends while playing video games. These friends will become a resource later in life when they need to start businesses or network in careers.

Boosting concentration

Games require intense concentration. A player must watch every move made by the opponent. At the same time, he thinks deeply about his next move. Some of the games take hours to complete. The games are a lesson on concentration and multitasking.

Once a student learns to concentrate and stay on a task for a while, he will translate the same skills to the class. He focuses on his work in class and can sit for hours to complete an assignment.

Teaching concepts offered in class

Developers are using academic concepts to release some of the most exciting games. The concepts target learners in different grades. For instance, beginners have addition, simple language, and coloring, among others. Intermediate learners may learn simple physics or biology. An advanced student may play a game on planets and advanced mathematical concepts. It makes the ideas learned in class easier to relate to in real life.

Preparing the next phase of problem solvers

The basic idea behind a game is solving puzzles. A player finds the right tools to defeat his opponent. He protects entire villages and galaxies by finding appropriate weapons. Such strategies are similar to what real-world people use to solve problems. The same student can sit for long hours through a math problem until he finds a solution.

Video games are now an integral part of learning. They boost memory and will help you to understand the concepts taught in class. By playing in groups, a student will understand the concept of teamwork. It is a relaxed way of continuing to study after a long day in class.

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