How to Disable Google Smart Lock on Chrome and Android

Stuart Williams
By Stuart Williams 11 Min Read
disable google smart lock featured

Hey there, buddy! You know how sometimes you go to a website, and it magically fills in your password for you? That’s all thanks to a helpful tool called Google Smart Lock. It’s like a little helper that remembers your passwords so you don’t have to.

But here’s the thing… even though it’s super handy, it’s not always super safe. Imagine this: If someone sneaks onto a computer that doesn’t have a special login password, they could just go to Chrome Settings > Autofill > Passwords. And guess what? They’ll see an “eye” symbol next to the password. If they click on it, bam! They can see your secret password.

Now, if your computer does have a login password, they’d have to know that first to see your saved passwords in Chrome. But still, it’s kind of risky, don’t you think? We’ll chat more about that and how to keep your passwords safe and sound!

What is Google Smart Lock?

Have you ever wondered how your computer remembers all those tricky passwords for you? That’s all thanks to Google Smart Lock. Think of it like a magic box where all your passwords are stored. Whenever you’re on Chrome and visit different websites or use certain apps, Google Smart Lock steps in. It quickly finds the right key (password) from its box and uses it, so you don’t have to type it in every time. Neat, right?

Disable Google Smart Lock on Chrome

  1. Starting Off: Open up your Chrome browser. You know, the one with the colorful circle logo.
  2. Find the Menu: On the top right corner, you’ll see three tiny dots stacked up. Click on that. It’ll open up a menu for you.
  3. Go to Settings: Now, from that menu, pick “Settings”. Or if you’re feeling fancy, type chrome://settings/ in that big search bar at the top and press the Enter key.
  4. Autofill Time: Once you’re in settings, look for a section called “Autofill”. Click on that.

Hint: You’re now in the Google Chrome Settings.

  1. Let’s Find Passwords: Inside “Autofill”, you’ll see an option that says “Passwords”. Yep, click on that one too.

Hint: You’ve now stepped into the Google Chrome Autofill Settings.

  1. The Final Step: Here, you’ll notice two options: “Auto Sign-in” and “Check password”. Make sure both of these options are turned off (or unselected).

Hint: You’re now peeking into the Google Chrome Passwords Settings.

And voila! You’ve just turned off Google Smart Lock on Chrome. Give yourself a high-five! 👋

Disable Google Smart Lock on Chrome App

If you’re using the Chrome app on your phone or tablet and want to turn off the Google Smart Lock, follow these easy-peasy steps:

  1. Let’s Dive In: Open your Chrome App. It’s the one with the round colorful circle on your device.
  2. Find the Tiny Dots: On the top right, there’s a little icon with three dots. Give that a tap.
  3. Settings Time: From the menu that pops up, tap on “Settings”.

Quick Peek: The three dots are like the entrance to many things in the Chrome App. Remember that!

  1. Password Journey: Now, you’ll see an option that says “Passwords”. Tap it!

Little Note: This is where the Chrome App keeps a list of your passwords.

  1. Toggle Time: Once you’re there, you’ll see two switches: “Save passwords” and “Auto-sign-in”. Make sure you switch both of them off (or slide them to the left).

What is Smart Lock for Android?

Ever imagined a magic spell that keeps your phone unlocked when it knows you’re nearby? That’s Smart Lock for Android for you! It’s like your phone’s little fairy that makes sure you don’t have to keep entering your password, pattern, or even use your fingerprint every single time you want to use it.

Here’s how it works:

  • Trusted Places: Your phone stays unlocked when it knows it’s in a safe place, like your home.
  • Trusted Devices: If you connect your phone to gadgets you trust, like your smartwatch, the phone stays unlocked.
  • On-Body: If you’re holding or carrying your phone, it senses it’s with you and stays unlocked.

But here’s a teeny tiny problem… Let’s say someone takes your phone without your permission. If Smart Lock is turned on, the phone won’t really know if it’s you or someone else holding it. Oops!

Disable Smart Lock on Android

Do you want a bit more privacy with your Android device? If you’re thinking of turning off the Smart Lock, here’s your step-by-step guide:

  1. Starting Point: Open up your phone’s Settings. It’s usually a gear or wrench icon.
  2. Safety First: Tap on Security.
  3. Spotting Smart Lock: Scroll a little until you see Smart Lock. Give it a tap.
  4. Verification Time: You’ll be asked for your Screen Lock Pattern or Password. Go ahead and draw or type it in.
  5. Choices, Choices: You’ll see options like On-body detection, Trusted places, and Trusted devices. Make sure you turn all of them off.

Quick Note: Android phones come in all shapes, sizes, and flavors. So, the steps might look a tad different on some phones. Can’t find Smart Lock? No worries! Just type “Smart Lock” in the search bar within Settings and tap search.

And remember, while Smart Lock is cool in that it keeps your device unlocked when it’s close to you or in certain places, it doesn’t really know if it’s you or someone else. So, turning it off can give you a little extra peace of mind.

Wondering what to do about your passwords now? Well, let’s dive into that!

What is a Password Manager?

Imagine having a safe where you keep all your secret codes and passwords. A Password Manager is kinda like that, but digital. It’s a special app that keeps all your passwords in one secure place. So instead of trying to remember a zillion different passwords, you just need to remember one!

And since we’ve just chatted about turning off Google Smart Lock on Chrome, you might be thinking, “How am I gonna remember all those passwords?” That’s where a Password Manager steps in to save the day!

Some Top Picks For You:

  • Bitwarden: It’s like the superhero of free password managers. Want awesome features without spending a dime? This is your guy!
  • Dashlane: If you’re okay with spending a bit for some extra fancy and safe features, Dashlane is like the VIP in the password world.

Both of these have free versions and fancier paid ones. Wanna know more? You can check out reviews for both of these password managers right here.

How to Get Started with Bitwarden

Ready to keep all your passwords safe and sound with Bitwarden? Great choice! Let’s walk through it together, step by step.

  1. Grab the App: First things first! Head over to the Play Store on your phone or tablet. Search for Bitwarden App and download it.
  2. Sign Up Time: Once the app is downloaded, open it up. Look for a button that says Create Account and tap on it.
  3. Details, Details: Now, you’ll need to give some info.
    • Email Address: Type in your email. Make sure it’s one you use often!
    • Master Password: This is like the key to your treasure chest of passwords. Make it strong and something you’ll remember.
    • Master Password Hint: It’s always good to have a hint, just in case you forget. But don’t make it too obvious!
    • Once you’ve filled everything in, hit that Submit button.
  4. Prove You’re You: You’ll get a funky puzzle called a Captcha. It’s just to make sure you’re a real human and not a robot in disguise. Solve it, and you’re almost there!
  5. Welcome to Bitwarden: And… drumroll… 🥁 you’ve set up Bitwarden! Woohoo! Now you can dive into its cool features:
    • Vault: Think of it as a digital treasure chest where all your passwords are kept safe.
    • Password Generator: If you’re bad at thinking of strong passwords, this tool will whip up some tough ones for you.
    • Autofill: This feature will automatically fill in your passwords for you when you visit websites. Super handy!

Find these features in the Settings of the app.


Alright, superstar! 🌟 You’ve journeyed through the world of passwords with me. We’ve tackled:

  • Google Smart Lock on Chrome: You now know how to turn it off when you feel like it’s too much.
  • Smart Lock on Android: We’ve switched it off together for that extra layer of privacy.
  • Password Managers: You’ve got a sneak peek into Bitwarden, a super handy tool to keep your passwords snug and safe.

I really hope this guide shed some light and made things a bit clearer for you.

Stuck anywhere? Or just got a question buzzing in your mind? Drop a comment below. I’m here and ready to help! 🚀

And hey, if you want to stay in the loop with more cool tips and tricks, hop onto our Telegram channel. We’ve got lots of fresh updates waiting for you there!

Till next time, happy browsing and stay cyber-safe! 🌍🔒👋

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Hey, I'm Stuart, a tech enthusiast and writing expert. With a passion for technology, I specialize in crafting in-depth articles, reviews, and affiliate content. In the ever-evolving world of digital marketing, I've witnessed how the age of the internet has transformed technology journalism. Even in the era of social media and video marketing, reading articles remains crucial for gaining valuable insights and staying informed. Join me as we explore the exciting realm of tech together!
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