How Many Boards Are There in Monopoly Go?

Stuart Williams
By Stuart Williams 12 Min Read
how many boards are there in monopoly go featured

Have you ever wondered how board games can stay relevant in our fast-paced digital world? Well, Monopoly Go has cracked the code!

This new version of the classic property trading game is exciting. It has taken the best parts of the original and added some thrilling twists.

Let’s dive into what makes Monopoly Go special and explore just how many boards you can play on.

What’s New in Monopoly Go?

You might be thinking, “Isn’t Monopoly just about buying properties and collecting rent?” That’s still the heart of the game. But Monopoly Go adds some game-changing features. They’ll keep you on your toes:

  • Fortune cards: These cards add an element of surprise to your gameplay. You might suddenly gain a windfall or face an unexpected challenge. It’s like a mini lottery in every game!
  • Go Fighting: This new competitive element allows you to directly challenge other players. It’s not just about passive income anymore – you can actively outmaneuver your opponents.
  • Action Spaces are special. Landing on them can drastically change the game. They might give you a boost or throw a wrench in your carefully laid plans.

These additions transform each game into a unique, strategic adventure. You’ll find yourself thinking on your feet and adapting your strategy with every roll of the dice.

How Many Boards Can You Play On?

Now, here’s where Monopoly Go really shines. Unlike traditional Monopoly, which has a single board, this version offers many options. They keep the game fresh.

Let’s break it down:

#1 Classic Board

The Classic Board remains true to the Monopoly legacy, featuring all the familiar properties like Boardwalk and Park Place, as well as beloved tokens such as the Thimble and the Dog.

It’s the perfect choice for purists who love the traditional gameplay but appreciate a few new twists to keep things fresh.

#2 Art Board

For those who love style as much as strategy, the Art Board offers a visually stunning experience with its modern, abstract designs and bold, vibrant colors.

While the gameplay mirrors the classic rules, the artistic reinterpretation of properties and tokens makes this board a feast for the eyes.

#3 Theme Board

The Theme Board is where creativity meets customization in Monopoly Go. Whether it’s Monopoly Go Disney or Monopoly Go Avengers, each theme board transforms the game with properties and tokens inspired by popular franchises.

These boards not only enhance the visual appeal but also immerse players in a completely themed experience, adding a fun and engaging twist to the classic game rules.

But wait, there’s more! Monopoly Go also introduces four city-themed boards:

#4 New York Board

The New York board is a player favorite, showcasing the iconic skyline and landmarks like the Statue of Liberty and Central Park.

Divided into six districts, each with a unique color scheme—the Financial District in green and Chelsea in purple—this board brings the hustle and bustle of New York City to life.

#5 Sydney Board

Venture down under with the Sydney board, where you can buy properties from the Sydney Opera House to the Harbour Bridge.

With six distinct districts, each represented by different colors, this board offers a scenic and strategic gaming experience.

#6 London Board

For lovers of British culture, the London board features classics like Buckingham Palace and the Tower Bridge.

This board is unique with its eight districts, more than any other board, each highlighting a different area of London, complete with iconic landmarks and a distinct color palette.

#7 Paris Board

Step into the romantic streets of Paris with a board that includes the Eiffel Tower, the Louvre, and Notre-Dame Cathedral.

The Paris board divides the city into six colorful districts, each offering a piece of Parisian charm and a strategic point of interest.

Each city board offers a unique look. They also have subtle differences that can change how you play the game.

What Makes the Monopoly Go Board Different?

Monopoly Go introduces several innovative changes to the classic game board:

1. Round board layout. The new circular design replaces the traditional square board. This change affects how you move around the board and think about property locations.

2. Individual property prices. The original game had the same-priced properties in a color group. Monopoly Go has a unique price for each property. This adds more depth to your buying strategy.

3. Speed die. This new die quickens gameplay. It affects rent payments when you land on properties. It adds an element of unpredictability to each turn.

4. Go token. Special spaces on the board feature a Go token. Landing here can give you extra money or other benefits. It creates new opportunities during play.

5. Action cards. They let you directly influence other players’ strategies. You can take their properties or charge them fees. This feature increases player interaction and strategic planning.

These design changes make Monopoly Go fresh and engaging. They are fun even for longtime fans of the classic game.

How to Play Monopoly Go

Now that you’re excited about all these new features let’s walk through how to play Monopoly Go. Don’t worry, if you’ve played classic Monopoly before, you’ll pick this up in no time!

  1. Set up: Pick a board and hand out starting money. Choose your game piece.
  2. Who goes first? Roll the dice. The highest number starts, then the play moves to the left.
  3. Take your turn: Roll and move your piece around the board.
  4. Buy property: Land on an empty space? You can buy it if you want. If not, others can bid on it.
  5. Pay up: If you land on someone else’s property, you owe them rent.
  6. Use special cards: Action cards can help you or slow down others. Use them wisely!
  7. Build it up: Own all properties of one color? Start adding houses and hotels to earn more.
  8. Make deals: Trade with other players to get the properties you need.
  9. Watch for bonuses: The Go token spaces can give you extra perks.
  10. The last one standing wins. Keep playing until only one player has money left. They’re the winner!

Remember, the goal is to be the richest player at the end. Have fun and good luck!

Tips for Winning at Monopoly Go

Want to dominate the Monopoly Go board? Here are some pro tips to give you an edge:

Master the new features like Fortune cards and Action Spaces. They’re game-changers if you use them right. Don’t rush to use Fortune cards – timing is key!

When buying properties, think smart. Sometimes, a cheaper spot in a great location beats an expensive one. Develop your properties wisely. Spreading out can be better than focusing on one area.

Keep an eye on your cash. Being property-rich but cash-poor can spell trouble.

Negotiate smartly – it’s not just about what you get, but what you keep from others. Use the speed die to your advantage, and always pay attention to what other players are doing.

Remember, Monopoly Go is about strategy and a bit of luck. Use these tips, and you’ll be rolling in Monopoly money in no time!

Why You’ll Love Playing Monopoly Go

You might be thinking, “With all these video games and apps, why should I bother with a board game?” Well, let me tell you why Monopoly Go is worth your time.

First off, it’s a great way to spend quality time with your family and friends. Unlike those games where everyone’s staring at their own screen, Monopoly Go gets you all around the same table, talking, laughing, and maybe even plotting against each other (in a fun way, of course!).

But it’s not just about socializing. Monopoly Go gets your brain working. You’ve got to think strategically, plan, and be ready to change your plans when things don’t go your way. It’s like a workout for your mind!

While you’re having fun, you’re also picking up some basic money skills. Don’t worry, it’s not like sitting through a boring finance class. You’re learning about managing money. You’re learning about making investments. And you’re learning about taking calculated risks. You’re doing all of this without even realizing it.

One thing I love about Monopoly Go is that it’s never the same game twice. With all the new features and different boards, each time you play is a unique experience. Trust me, you won’t get bored!

Now, I know what you’re thinking – “Is it complicated?” Not at all! It’s easy to learn, but there’s enough depth to keep you challenged as you get better. Whether you’re 8 or 80, you can jump right in and have a blast.

Those of us grew up playing the original Monopoly. This version is like catching up with an old friend. They’ve got a cool makeover. It’s familiar enough to give you nostalgia. But it has enough new twists to be exciting.

In Conclusion To

Monopoly Go brings a fresh twist to a beloved classic. It has multiple boards and new features. They keep the game fun for players of all ages.

You may be drawn to the city-themed boards. Or, you may be intrigued by the new strategy. There’s something for everyone. It’s more than just a game. It’s a chance to make memories, challenge yourself, and have fun with friends and family.

Have you tried Monopoly Go? What’s your favorite new feature? Share your experiences in the comments below.

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