5 Ways to Batch Convert WebP to JPG and Back on Mac or Windows

Stuart Williams
By Stuart Williams 14 Min Read
batch convert webp to jpg featured

Hey there! Let’s dive into something cool today. Have you ever heard about WebP format? It’s a kind of image file, like the photos you click with your phone or the pictures you see online. Nowadays, most web browsers understand WebP, which is great because it helps save space on your computer or phone.

But sometimes, you need your images in formats like JPG or PNG, maybe because your school project demands it, or perhaps an old program you love using doesn’t know WebP. Don’t worry! I’m here to show you five super simple ways to convert lots of WebP images to JPG or the other way around. And the best part? You can do it with just one simple command or even use a handy shortcut if you’re using a Mac. Ready to become a mini-expert in image conversion? Let’s get started! πŸŒŸπŸ“·

WebP Image Converter Online

Okay, picture this: you only need to switch your WebP images to another format once in a blue moon. In that case, a free online tool is your best buddy! Just hop onto Google and search for online image converter tools. You’ll find plenty, but let me introduce you to a star player: CloudConvert.

Here’s how you use it:

  • Step 1: Visit CloudConvert’s website.
  • Step 2: Time to upload! Click to add your images or simply drag and drop them onto the page. Easy, right?
  • Step 3: Choose what format you want your images to be in. JPG? PNG? You decide!
  • Step 4 (Optional): Want to tweak things a bit more? Click the wrench icon. Here, you can adjust the quality, size, and even strip away extra info (metadata) from the image.

Extra Cool Feature: Converting many images at once? CloudConvert lets you pick a different format for each image. Neat! Plus, it’s not just for images. You can convert videos too, like turning MKV files into MP4.

So, whenever you need a quick conversion without any hassle, remember CloudConvert is just a few clicks away! πŸŒπŸ–ΌοΈ

WebP Converter Shortcuts for Mac or iPhone

Imagine being able to convert WebP to JPG or other formats with just a couple of clicks. Sounds awesome, right? Well, if you’re using a Mac or an iPhone, you can make this happen with the Shortcuts app. This app is all about making your life easier by automating stuff, and it’s been around since iOS 12. Good news for Mac users too – it’s available on macOS Monterey!

How to Set Up the Shortcut

  • Step 1: Update to macOS 12 if you haven’t yet.
  • Step 2: Check out my custom-made WebP Converter Shortcut. I’ve shared it on Routinehub. Just make sure to open the link in Safari.
  • Step 3: After adding the shortcut, simply right-click on any image (WebP, PNG, or JPG) and choose Quick Action > WebP Converter.

Voila! In a snap, you’ll be asked where you want to save the converted images. Usually, it’s the Downloads folder, but you can pick any place you like. And guess what? You can even select multiple images and batch convert them!

Want to Customize Your Shortcut?

If you feel like tweaking this shortcut, like resizing the image or adding other cool features, there’s a video tutorial I made. It walks you through how I created this shortcut, step by step.

Bonus Tip: For the tech-savvy with FFmpeg installed on their Mac, there’s another shortcut I made for converting multiple images to WebP. It’s like having a magic wand for your images!

So, whether you’re a Mac or iPhone user, these shortcuts are your shortcut to easy image conversions! πŸš€πŸ“±πŸ’»πŸ–ΌοΈ

Free WebP Converter for Windows

Are you a Windows user looking to convert WebP to JPG? Let me tell you about my personal favorite: WebPconv. I’ve tried a bunch of tools while writing this, and WebPconv stands out because of its super clean and user-friendly interface. It’s like your friendly neighborhood converter!

How to Use WebPconv

  • Step 1: Install WebPconv on your Windows computer.
  • Step 2: Open the app and select the “Decode” option. This is for converting WebP to JPG.
  • Step 3: Time to add images! Click the plus icon to select WebP images or drag them into the app.
  • Step 4: Once your images are lined up, hit the play button to start converting.

And in just a few seconds, voilà! Your converted images will be waiting for you in a WebP folder right on your Desktop. Easy as pie, right?

More Than Just WebP to JPG

But wait, there’s more! WebPconv isn’t just for WebP to JPG. Under the “Encode” tab, you can turn JPG, PNG, or even GIF files into WebP. Plus, if you’re feeling a bit more tech-savvy, dive into the Encoding options. Here, you can play around with the preset type, quality, size, and more to get your image just right.

So, for all you Windows folks out there, WebPconv is like having a magic wand for your image conversion needs! πŸͺ„πŸ–ΌοΈπŸ’»

XnConvert available for Windows, macOS, and Linux

Now, let’s talk about a real game-changer in the world of image conversion: XnConvert. This isn’t just another converter; it’s a powerhouse of features, available for Windows, macOS, and Linux. And guess what? It’s completely free and doesn’t bother you with ads!

Converting Images with XnConvert

  • Step 1: Download and open XnConvert on your computer, no matter if it’s Windows, Mac, or Linux.
  • Step 2: Add your WebP images. You can either select individual files or entire folders.
  • Step 3: Choose your output format. XnConvert supports a ton – from WebP to JPG, PNG, GIF, PSD, RAW, and many more.
  • Step 4: Under the Output tab, you can fine-tune settings like compression method and file naming.

Extra Features: Beyond Simple Conversion

  • Cool Fact: XnConvert lets you do more than just convert. Want to edit your images before converting? Jump to the Actions tab. Here, you can adjust brightness, contrast, gamma, crop, resize, rotate, add filters, change the DPI, switch colors, and even slap on a watermark!
  • Wide Format Support: This tool isn’t limited to the usual formats. It can handle TIFF, GIF, JPG, PNG, RAW, CSV, ICO, PGM, PDF, and loads more.
  • Extra Tricks: Convert images to PDFs, batch watermark your photos, and explore many other functionalities.

Why XnConvert is Amazing

It’s hard to believe that XnConvert is free, given its extensive capabilities. It’s like having a Swiss Army knife for all your image conversion and editing needs. So, whether you’re a casual user or a pro, XnConvert is ready to make your image handling a breeze


Let’s shift gears and talk about something a bit more advanced: FFmpeg. This is a command-line tool that’s all about handling images, videos, and audio. Think of it as a Swiss Army knife for media files. Before we dive in, I’ll guide you through installing and using FFmpeg step by step, so don’t worry if you’re new to this!

Installing FFmpeg on Windows

  • Step 1: Head over to the FFmpeg website and download the Windows version.
  • Step 2: Once downloaded, unzip the file. You’ll find some .exe files inside. Copy these to your C: drive under C:\Users\{yourname}.
  • Step 3: Press Windows + R, type “CMD”, and hit Enter to open the Command Prompt.

Using FFmpeg to Convert Images

  • Step 4: In the Command Prompt, navigate to the folder with your images using this command: Cd {file path}.
  • Step 5: Now, it’s conversion time! Here’s an example command: ffmpeg -i homescreen.webp output.png.

Remember: If your file name has spaces or special characters, use quotes like this: ffmpeg -i “home screen.webp” “output.png”.

Advanced FFmpeg Tricks

  • Batch Conversion: Want to convert all PNG files to WebP in a folder? Use this command: for %i in (*.png) do ffmpeg -i "%i" "%~ni.webp".
  • Creating a Batch File: For even more convenience, you can create a .bat file. Just open a new TXT file, enter the code below (customize it for your needs), and then save it as a .bat file instead of .txt.
@echo off
for %%i in (*.webp) do ffmpeg -i "%%i" "%%~ni.png"

Just copy this file into the folder with your images and run it to convert them all at once.

FFmpeg might seem a bit intimidating at first, but it’s incredibly powerful and versatile. Whether you’re a tech enthusiast or someone who loves experimenting with media files, FFmpeg opens up a whole new world of possibilities. So, ready to try your hand at command-line magic?

Install FFmpeg on Mac

If you’re a Mac user, installing FFmpeg is a bit different from Windows, but don’t worry, it’s just as straightforward. The easiest way to get FFmpeg on your Mac is by using Homebrew, a package manager that makes installing software a breeze. Let’s walk through the process:

Step 1: Install Homebrew

  • If You Don’t Have Homebrew: Open Terminal and run the following command to install Homebrew:
    /bin/bash -c "$(curl -fsSL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Homebrew/install/HEAD/install.sh)"

    This command downloads and runs the Homebrew installation script.

Step 2: Install FFmpeg Using Homebrew

  • After Installing Homebrew: In the same Terminal window, type in this command to install FFmpeg:
    brew install ffmpeg

    Homebrew will take care of the rest, downloading and installing FFmpeg for you.

Step 3: Using FFmpeg on Mac

  • Batch Conversion: Once FFmpeg is installed, you can use it for various conversions. For example, to convert all JPG images in a folder to WebP, navigate to the folder in Terminal and run:
    for f in *.jpg; do ffmpeg -i "$f" "${f%jpg}.webp"; done

    This command loops through each JPG file in the folder and converts them to WebP format.

Why FFmpeg on Mac Rocks

FFmpeg on Mac works pretty much the same as on Windows, offering the same powerful conversion and editing capabilities. With Homebrew, installation is super simple, and once set up, you’ll have a robust tool for all your image and media conversion needs right at your fingertips. Ready to unlock the power of FFmpeg on your Mac?


Alright! We’ve explored five awesome methods to convert WebP to JPG and other formats (and vice versa). Whether you’re a Mac, Windows, or Linux user, there’s a tool out there that’s perfect for your needs. Let’s do a quick recap:

  • Online Converters Like CloudConvert: Great for occasional conversions without needing to install anything.
  • Shortcuts on Mac and iPhone: Super convenient for Mac users, especially for quick conversions right from the context menu.
  • WebPconv for Windows: A user-friendly interface makes it a favorite for Windows users.
  • XnConvert for Windows and Mac: The go-to choice when you need more than just conversion, like resizing, renaming, or watermarking.
  • FFmpeg for Command-Line Enthusiasts: Perfect for those who love diving into more technical details and batch processing.

Personal Favorites

  • For Mac Users: The shortcut for its ease of access and quick action capability.
  • For Windows Users: WebPconv wins for its clean and intuitive interface.
  • For Advanced Editing: XnConvert is unbeatable, offering extensive features for both Windows and Mac users.

No matter which tool you choose, remember that each has its unique strengths. So, go ahead and pick the one that fits your needs best. Happy converting! πŸŒŸπŸ“ΈπŸ–₯οΈπŸŽ‰

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Hey, I'm Stuart, a tech enthusiast and writing expert. With a passion for technology, I specialize in crafting in-depth articles, reviews, and affiliate content. In the ever-evolving world of digital marketing, I've witnessed how the age of the internet has transformed technology journalism. Even in the era of social media and video marketing, reading articles remains crucial for gaining valuable insights and staying informed. Join me as we explore the exciting realm of tech together!
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