How to Turn Off Location on Life360 without Anyone Knowing

Stuart Williams
By Stuart Williams 9 Min Read
how to turn off location on life360 without anyone knowing featured

Life360 is a popular app that makes it easy to share your location with your loved ones. However, there are times when you might want to keep your whereabouts private without alerting your friends and family that you’ve gone off the radar.

While Life360 offers valuable features like geofencing, which notifies when someone enters or leaves a designated area, it can feel a bit too intrusive at times. If you’re looking for some privacy or just need a break from being on the map, there are discreet ways to turn off your location in Life360.

Ways of Turning Location Off in Life360 Secretly

1. Disable the GPS Service on Your Device

Life360 relies on the GPS service of your device to track and share your location with your circle. If you prefer to go under the radar, turning off the GPS feature is a straightforward solution. Here’s how you can do it for both Android and iOS devices:

For Android Users:

  • Open your Settings.
  • Tap on Location.
  • Toggle the Location Services to off.

For iOS Users:

  • Head to Settings on your iPhone.
  • Tap on Privacy.
  • Go to Location Services.
  • Toggle the Location Services to off.

Keep in mind that disabling this feature will affect all apps on your device, not just Life360. This means none of your apps will be able to access your location until you turn the GPS service back on.

2. Activate Airplane Mode

Activating Airplane Mode is a quick way to stop your device from sharing its location. When Airplane Mode is on, it disables both your device’s GPS service and internet connection, meaning Life360 can’t track your current whereabouts. Here’s how to enable it:

For Android:

  • Swipe down from the top of the screen.
  • Tap the Airplane icon.
  • Alternatively, go to Settings, choose Network & Internet, and then Airplane Mode.

For iOS:

  • Swipe down from the top right corner to access the Control Center.
  • Tap the Airplane icon.

Note: While in Airplane Mode, you won’t be able to make calls, send texts, or use data.

3. Use Location Spoofing

Location spoofing lets you fake your location using a third-party app, a handy trick if you need to appear somewhere else on the map. Here’s how you can set it up on an Android device with the Fake GPS Location app:

  • Download and install the Fake GPS Location app from Google Play.
  • Enable Developer Settings on your Android device.
  • Turn on Select Mock Location App and choose Fake GPS Location as your designated app.

Remember, location spoofing might violate the terms of service of some apps, so use this method wisely!

Methods of Removing Location That Will Alert Circle Members

1. Turn Off Location Sharing Within Your Circle

If you’re open about wanting some privacy, you can directly turn off location sharing within your Life360 circle. Here’s how:

  • Open the Life360 app and navigate to Settings.
  • Select the circle from which you want to stop sharing your location.
  • Tap on Location Sharing and switch it off.

Your map will display Location Sharing Paused, and your circle members will see that you’ve stopped sharing your location.

2. Steps to Turn Off Location Sharing in a Circle

For those who decide to stop location sharing, follow these detailed steps:

  • Launch Life360 and go to Settings.
  • Choose the circle where you want to halt location sharing.
  • Select Location Sharing and toggle it off.

This action will notify circle members that you have paused location sharing.

3. Delete Your Life360 Account

For a more definitive break from location sharing, consider deleting your Life360 account. This action will remove all your location history and disconnect you from your circles. Make sure to cancel any active subscriptions first. Here’s how to proceed:

  • Open Life360.
  • Navigate to Settings and tap on Account.
  • Choose Delete Account and follow the prompts to confirm.

Once your account is deleted, remember to uninstall the Life360 app from your device. This method will be noticeable to your circle members, as your profile will completely disappear from the circle.

Hide Location in Life360

While Life360 is fantastic for staying connected with family and friends, there are times when you might crave a bit of privacy. The methods discussed above provide various ways to keep your real-time location private from your Life360 circle members, subtly and effectively. Remember, once you reconnect or change your settings back, your location may update and become visible again, but these solutions can offer temporary anonymity when needed.

Which Method Worked Best for You?

Did you find one of these privacy methods particularly easy or effective? Or perhaps there’s a specific reason you wanted to stay under the radar? Share your experiences and thoughts in the comments below—we’d love to hear from you!


Life360 offers a valuable connection tool, allowing friends and family to stay in touch and ensure everyone’s safety. However, there are occasions when privacy takes precedence, and you might not want your location shared openly. Whether you choose to disable GPS, activate Airplane Mode, spoof your location, or adjust your app settings, each method provides control over how and when you share your location.

These solutions are designed to offer flexibility and privacy while using Life360, without permanently altering your participation in your circles. They are perfect for those moments when you need a temporary retreat from the digital world. Before you use these methods, consider how they impact your connectivity and ensure they align with your privacy needs.

We’re Curious to Hear From You!

Which privacy method did you find most straightforward? Are there other tips you think should be included in this guide? Drop your insights and questions in the comments section below to help us enhance this discussion. Remember, navigating privacy in a connected world is a shared journey, and your experiences are invaluable!


What are some simple ways to stop sharing my location on Life360?

You can turn off your device’s GPS, enable Airplane Mode, or use location spoofing apps. Each method ensures your location remains private temporarily without permanently altering app settings.

Will disabling GPS on my phone affect other apps?

Yes, turning off GPS will impact all applications on your device that utilize location services, not just Life360. This includes maps, ride-sharing apps, and any other services that require GPS to function properly.

Is there a way to temporarily hide my location on Life360 without deleting my account?

Absolutely! You can pause location sharing within your Life360 circle or use methods like disabling GPS or enabling Airplane Mode to temporarily hide your whereabouts.

What does ‘Location Sharing Paused’ mean on Life360?

This status appears when you’ve turned off location sharing in your Life360 circle settings. It informs your circle members that you have chosen to temporarily stop sharing your location data.

Can I permanently stop sharing my location on Life360?

Yes, you can permanently stop sharing your location by deleting your Life360 account. This will remove your location history and disconnect you from all circles. Be sure to cancel any subscriptions before deleting your account.

Are there any privacy risks associated with using location spoofing apps?

While location spoofing can be effective for hiding your actual whereabouts, it might violate the terms of service of some apps, including Life360. Additionally, these apps can occasionally lead to incorrect functioning of other location-based services on your device.

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Hey, I'm Stuart, a tech enthusiast and writing expert. With a passion for technology, I specialize in crafting in-depth articles, reviews, and affiliate content. In the ever-evolving world of digital marketing, I've witnessed how the age of the internet has transformed technology journalism. Even in the era of social media and video marketing, reading articles remains crucial for gaining valuable insights and staying informed. Join me as we explore the exciting realm of tech together!
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